Wednesday Night Activities
Wednesday Nights are a time to get together with church family! We have Dinner from 5:30-6:15pm, Life Groups from 6:30-8pm*, and fellowship in the cafe after. Wednesday Night is the best night of the week!
*Children's Ministry and Youth Group are also going on during this time*
Study of Ephesians & Galatians - Led by Shaun McGuire
Join us as we journey through the books of Galatians & Ephesians. Our goal is to encourage one another and challenge ourselves to go deeper in our understanding of scripture. Each week we will explore one chapter of the books, asking nine questions that go to the heart of God's purpose and impact for our everyday lives. This class is for any level of previous Bible understanding, and together we will grow in our knowledge of Him.
Next Man up (Men) - Led by Andrew Reynolds
Not alone, nor easily conquered. Join men who encourage each other to be whole enough to stand, wise enough to lead, and strong enough to serve.
12 Women of the Bible (Ladies) - Led by Kristina Katke
In this 12-session small group Bible study, Twelve Women of the Bible, Lysa TerKuerst, Elisa Morgan, Jeanne Stevens and others look at the spiritual lessons learned from twelve biblical women and their implications in life today.
God Still Speaks Part 2- Led by Angel & Mirian Molina
Every believer can hear the voice of God, but did you know the ability to recognize and hear God's Spirit for yourself and others can be developed? In this class, we will discuss the different roles and functions of the prophetic and the way God uses the gifts of the Holy Spirit today. (This class is only for those who took Part 1 in the Fall of 2024)

Parents' Night out
Hey Parents! Valentines Day is right around the corner, and Rock Church would love to provide a night for you as a couple to enjoy! We will be providing child care for all children up through 12 years old (if potty-trained) at the Harrison campus on Friday, February 21st from 6-8:30pm.
We will provide games, yummy food, and a movie, all for $5 a child! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Pastor Gabriel (ggroebner@rockchurchunited.com).

Culver's Mexico Mission Trip FUndraiser
We are raising money for our Mexico Mission Trip in June! Join us on Sunday, February 9th - Tuesday, February 11th at the Culver's on Wansford Way (Harrison). 15% of the proceeds will go to Rock Church Missions when you mention Rock Church at checkout.

Youth Winter Retreat 2025
Parents of 6th-12th grade students! We will be joining Lighthouse Christian Church for their annual Winter Retreat March 7th-9th at Expeditions Unlimited in Baraboo, WI. Please have your students at the Harrison campus by 5:00pm on Friday, March 7th.
Register by February 24th with a deposit of $60. The full price is $175 (includes a t-shirt) but we have fundraising opportunities available on Saturday's in January & February (See Pastor Ed for more details).
We would love to see your student there as we connect and grow in our relationship with the Lord! If you have any questions, Contact Pastor Ed at emartin@rockchurchunited.com
Common Questions
Where are you located?
6732 Harrison Ave Rockford IL 61108
2905 Bildahl St Rockford IL 61109
Rock Church has two campuses you can visit. Each campus will have its own personality.
However, whether you go to our Harrison Campus or our Reed Campus you can expect to encounter the same commitment to Growth, God's Presence, People, and Service!
Who to talk to?
When you visit us, we would love for you to connect with one of our hosts! You can identify them by their yellow lanyard and name badge. They are eager to help you connect with us and answer any questions you have. (And if they don't know the answer- they can certainly connect you with someone who does!)
You can also find any of our pastors after service! They will be walking around making themselves available to anyone and everyone. They would love to meet you!
What if I can't make it Sunday?
If you are unable to visit in person with us on a Sunday morning, we encourage you to join us online. We live stream both of our services and you can find those streams here on our website:
Other ways you can connect with us are through our various MidWeek Activities. Be sure to check out our church calendar here:
What should I wear?
We want you to come as you are.
We want you to think less about whether or not you are wearing the right clothes and more about what type of community do I want to do life with!
How to get involved
There are a number of ways to get involved in our community! The best way is to join a life group. For more information about Life groups, the church, and our vision, reach out to our church staff at info@rockchurchunited.net for information on our next membership class or other Rock Church Ministries.
Can we prAy fOR you?
This is our question to you!
We want to know how we can stand in the gap for you. No matter what the situation, we would love to pray for you and with you.
You can email us at prayer@rockchurchunited.com or join us on a Sunday and one of our ministry team members will happily pray with you.